Are you inspired to help bring "Belonging in the USA" to a wide audience?
Here are a few ways you can show your support right this second and most of them are free!

Like and follow us on social media. Why does this matter you ask? Because potential distributors, executive producers, grantors and industry professionals want to see that we have a strong social media following to show that there is a hunger, need, and an active audience for this series.
Support us with a tax-deductible donation. Our goal is to raise the final $10,000 by the end of April so that we can continue to bring this work to a larger audience.
Share our posts (like this one )and encourage your friends to sign up for our newsletter.
Host a fundraising screening/discussion in your home or at your organization so that we can complete the pilot episode, create promotional videos and materials for it, and continue to bring it to diverse audiences.
If you are in Chicagoland area, or select other areas, Arielle will attend and host the pre and post-screening dialogue process which is not to be missed!
Comment on this below and all our previous and upcoming blog posts. Engaging in our community of Belonging is another way to show your support for the work we are doing.